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Below are a list of Ministries we support, along with a link to their personal pages and a short description. Please feel free to check them out for more information regarding their staff, mission and what they are devoted to doing. 




Barbie Breathitt 

Breath of the Spirit Ministries 















Bart Peacher- Founder

It Is Time Israel Ministry 












First Fruit Ministries 

MorningStar Ministries

Dugit Outreach Center

National Federdation of Christian Business Men 

Kingdom Business Association

It Is Time Israel Ministries is devoted to supporting Israel in any way possible, both spiritually and materially.  They want to bring all Jewish believers and non-believers to God and understand Israel's calling. They want to see Israel take their rightful place in the Body of Christ and openly honor God throughout their land.  In addition, they support all Jewish and Non-Jewish ministries and organizations, so that all will know the true and living God.

Dr. Barbie Breathitt is an experienced teacher, published author, prophetic voice, dream interpreter and healing minister. Her passion is to see people fulfill their unique destiny here on earth. Barbie’s training, resources and personal ministry help others to interpret and apply the direction God gives them through encounters, dreams and visions. Visit to learn more about her and have your dream interpreted so you can live out God's destiny for your life!

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